Psychology Melbourne Blog

News and Insights from the Science of the Mind

Q&A: Marriage Counselling After Kids

Edited by Jill Wright,

q&a: marriage counselling after kids

Sian and Hugo* sought counselling because they were on the edge of giving up on their marriage. They had just become parents to twin boys and felt they were losing their relationship. *Names changed for confidentiality  Having a child places stress on any relationship, but Hugo and Sian have had a double dose with twins. Research shows that after a...

The male/female aggression divide?

Edited by Jill Wright,

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull's job title is a relatively accurate description of his talents, but he must have spent the past few days wondering quite why he allowed the perpetually professionally outraged Andrew Bolt to lure him into publicly advising the ABC's Leigh Sales and Emma Alberici to be less aggressive and more "forensic" in their interviews with government ministers....

Dutiful spouses: best for marriage and careers

Edited by Jill Wright,

It's not the sort of journal to which one would normally turn for marital advice, but the latest version of the Harvard Business Review has an important message for its readers: if you want success, marry a conscientious spouse. The article is based on psychologists' study of data collected on thousands of Australian households to analyse the effects on people's...

Four tips for better marriages

Edited by Jill Wright,

The wedding business is going to be delighted with at least one of the recommendations from research undertaken by the US National Marriage Project into the factors that make for healthy marriages. According to the report, titled "Before 'I Do'",couples who want to maximise their chances for long-term wedded bliss should splash out on a BIG wedding, with at least...

Hunger feeds marital discord

Edited by Jill Wright,

A study that looked at the effect of low blood sugar on aggression in marriage must have been quite a hoot: it measured glucose levels in 107 married couples over 21 days and compared the effect of lower levels - essentially the effect of being hungry - on the relationship ... using voodoo dolls and headphones. The participants were told...

Reading for perspective on marriage

Edited by Jill Wright,

It's probably fair to say that I am addicted to literary novels (and to reading them on an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite, which is so much easier to hold in bed at night, and doesn't require a reading light), but I maintain that they provide us with the most revealing insights into the human condition. I am often struck by the...

Expectations a threat to marriage?

Edited by Jill Wright,

expectations a threat to marriage?

Having spent a couple of decades as a marriage and relationships counsellor - and possibly more to the point, many more years than that in a successful marriage - I am continually bemused by mass media snapshots of the latest trends and theories in the field. The Guardian, for instance, recently assured its readers that high divorce rates and low...

At year's end, a relationship review

Edited by Jill Wright,

Most psychologists know that the field of relationship counselling is arguably the most demanding and difficult areas of practice. That's one of the reasons we have developed our own program that has happily proved to be successful even with couples who have tried counselling previously without success. This morning, going through some of the articles I've collected over the years...

Mapping a way to rebuild relationships

Edited by Jill Wright,

All the members of the team of Melbourne psychologists with expertise in relationships have a lot of respect for the work of John Gottman, and the insights he gained working in the so-called "love lab" at the University of Washington. Over at Psyblog, Jeremy Dean obviously shares that respect. He has posted on "The Four Things That Can Kill A Relationship Stone...

The dynamics of sexual desire and relationships

Edited by Jill Wright,

Last week's program on ABC Radio National's Life Matters which looked at research by sexologist Elaine George on declining sexual desire among many Australian men - largely the result of stress and fatigue - probably won't be too much of a surprise for anyone who has struggled to maintain the elements of a healthy personal and family life while coping...

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