Psychology Melbourne Blog

News and Insights from the Science of the Mind

Worrying link between stress and depression

Edited by Jill Wright,

worrying link between stress and depression

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px 'Helvetica Neue'} span.s1 {text-decoration: underline ; color: #dca10d} To a psychologist in Melbourne tracking developments in mental health around the world, there seems to be an all but unbroken stream of mass media reports highlighting the dangers of depression and stories of its victims. In the past week, for instance, we've learned...

Getting physical can help treat depression

Edited by Jill Wright,

getting physical can help treat depression

One of the most enjoyable things about having a dog is the way that being responsible for its wellbeing forces you to take it for a daily walk ... or in the case of our family pet, an energetic miniature poodle called Zac, two daily walks. And it isn't just the joy of being out in nature, soaking up fresh...

Burnout vs Depression

By Dr Giovanna Lajbcygier,

burnout vs depression

It is not uncommon in my work as Clinical Psychologist, based in the CBD at Psychology Melbourne, to come across high functioning professionals who have become very “stressed” by their work situation and may exhibit signs of “burn-out”.  Burn-out is generally defined as the “body and mind being exhausted from work”. Lack of support, resources and tight deadlines can all...

Helpful depression apps

Edited by Jill Wright,

helpful depression apps

With something like one million Australian adults suffering from depression in any one year, there is a growing role for personal technology to provide support for and even in some cases alternatives to traditional approaches like talk therapy, peer support and medication. At Psychology Melbourne, we've helped a lot of people manage their depression and we've found that smartphone apps...

Taking pills out of the economy

Edited by Jill Wright,

What an interesting week. As the Prime Minister pledged more consultations and "good government", including a fresh look at savings on health spending, on Wednesday evening I attended a lecture at the State Library by visiting Danish medical researcher Professor Peter Gøtzsche, who as founder of the Nordic Cochrane Centre is devoted to establishing the scientific evidence for medical research....

Are you depressed without knowing it?

Edited by Jill Wright,

What exactly does clinical depression feel like? And would you know it if you had it? That's the question raised in a fascinating personal insight into the experience of depression in The Guardian, by a freelance writer, Rin Hamburgh.  Despite the fact that her father was bipolar and her sister had been diagnosed with depression a decade earlier, Hamburgh suffered...

Science and psychology

Edited by Jill Wright,

A British site called The Mental Elf is a handy resource for psychologists and members of the public who want to keep up with the latest research on mental health.  The latest post underlines the findings of many other researchers, by indicating, yet again, that no one "brand" of psychotherapy is better than another for the  treatment of depression.  What...

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