Our comprehensive ADHD services include Adult ADHD testing, counselling and group coaching. We also provide Child ADHD testing and assessments.
Our Anxiety treatments include one-on-one counselling for GAD, phobias, panic attacks & social anxiety. We also provide psychological testing & adult group therapy.
Our Autism services include one-on-one counselling to help manage symptoms, and psychological testing for adults and children.
Our Depression services include counselling for mood disorders, bipolar and mania with psychological testing for adults and adolescents as well as therapy groups.
We offer counselling and testing for Personality Disorders like paranoia, schizoid, schizotypal, antisocial, borderline, narcissistic and OC with some therapy groups available.
We offer Relationship and Couples counselling for communication, commitmet, sexual, emotional, intergenerational and family issues as well as therapy groups.
Our singles and couples Separation counselling packages and therapy groups support you with the emotional impact of separation and post-separation challenges.
We offer psychological testing and counselling with sexual health concerns including performance, anxiety, dysfunction, desire, ageing and gender diversity.
We offer one-on-one counselling for adults and adolescents experiencing acute, chronic or complex Trauma and PTSD, including EMDR therapy and therapy groups.
Group Therapy has been available to us for decades. But the old has become new again as the pressures of modern society demand that we provide therapies that are not only effective but affordable and timely. There is so much...
Psycho-Oncology as a specialty area integrates the psychological, social and behavioural dimensions of cancer. Psycho-oncology developed as an evidence-based discipline to offer an alternative to unproven therapies and to optimise coping and support for patients with cancer and, importantly, their...
Try online counselling with our experienced psychologists.