Post traumatic stress disorder treatment

How to get started

Find the right Psychologist

Most of our psychologists work in the Melbourne CBD Clinic, and the rest in different locations across Melbourne. You can find out all about our psychologists – when, where and what issues they work with – on our online booking page or you can call our reception on 1300 161 639.

Personal Matching

We recommend that your first step is an online Personal Matching appointment. Research shows that the key to successful outcomes is the relationship between client and psychologist. At Psychology Melbourne, we don't leave that to chance. We offer a personal matching session with one of our trained Matching Psychologists who will expertly choose the right psychologist for you and your issues.

Fees & rebates

GP Referral

All our psychologists are registered with Medicare, allowing clients with a referral and a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from their GP to receive a substantial rebate.

Note that you do not require a referral from a GP unless you intend to claim a Medicare rebate.

Find out more about MHCP Medicare rebate.

Information for referring GPs

Opening hours

Reception is open:
Mon–Thu 8:30 am - 6:30 pm
Friday 8:30 am - 6 pm
Saturday 9 am - 3 pm
closed public holidays

After hours appointments may also be available.

Find out more about our counselling hours and appointments.

Phone & video counselling

If you are can't get to the clinic, you can use our secure phone and video counselling services. This allows you to get expert, effective psychological help from your home, but also from work or your hotel room when you’re interstate or overseas.


See answers to frequently asked questions about our clinics, treatment, EAP, fees and rebates.

medicare rebate

"Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging."

—Joseph Campbell

Immediate appointments available
Psychologists Online across Australia for counselling, testing and groups - Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, Perth and Canberra

The most common initial reaction to a terrible event like an accident, serious assault, rape or natural disaster is generally relief that one survived. That tends to obscure the shock.

Left without support, the people involved in these incidents, and those who have assisted them, can experience profoundly disturbing reactions: flashbacks, unpredictable emotions, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches, stomach upsets, sweating, pounding heart or nausea.

While these feelings are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives. Psychologists can help trauma victims find constructive ways of managing their emotions, enabling them to move forward in life.

Trauma may occur in two ways: either direct experience, where the survivor experiences a horrible incident or treatment, or second-hand experience such as hearing of or witnessing a traumatic incident.

What are some of the signs?




Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can affect those who personally experience the catastrophe; those who witness it and those who pick up the pieces afterwards, including emergency workers and law-enforcement officers. Friends or family members who do not witness the event can also suffer.

PTSD develops differently depending on the individual. While the symptoms most often make their first appearance shortly after the event, they can sometimes lie dormant and appear even years later.

When to seek professional assistance

Not everyone develops PTSD after a traumatic experience, but about 25% do. With proper treatment, they can make a full recovery.

You should seek help from a psychologist:

If you are a woman you may be at higher risk, as more women develop PTSD than men.

Psychology Melbourne’s psychologists will give you an initial test to assess your level of trauma and provide you with the appropriate treatment.

Strategies to manage PTSD


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(main practice)
2/50 Queen Street
Phone 1300 161 639 for all locations
Reception Hours:
Mon - Thurs 8:30 am - 6:30 pm
Fri 8:30 am - 6 pm,  Sat 9 am - 2:30 pm